Our Story
We are Dagny & Dan Monette and we began farming our small Northern Michigan homestead in 2016. We use organic growing practices to provide the best in fresh produce, eggs, honey, and herbal skin products for our family and yours.

The Happy Homestead Farm Salves & Such line of handcrafted natural skin care products came about quite accidentally. Dagny began by making a salve (known as Super Salve) for our family when Dan came home from the ER with a row of stitches rivaling Frankenstein's monster. The salve worked so well for Dan, and the rest of the family, that we started sharing tins with everyone we knew…and anyone else who crossed our paths with dry skin, cuts, scrapes, rashes, burns, and the like. Before long, word got out about the power of our Super Salve and people started approaching us about buying a tin or two. We love sharing the wonders of plant medicines with others and loved hearing how much people were being helped by our salve. So, we decided to take our salve to market and set out on crafting an entire line of natural skin products to help with other skin issues as well. Today, we offer a full range of natural products for the entire family.